Development of a computer programme for the calculus of water hammer protection devices by sensitivity analysis
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Computer methods and water resources
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In this paper a computer program, based on a general methodology to calculate the water hammer protection devices using sensitivity analysis, is presented. We have implemented the case of a pumping station with a check valve at the beginning of the pipe and a reservoir at the end. The way used, allows us to determine the characteristic parameter of the protection element which adjusts the maximum upsurge and/or downsurge of the transient to the prefixed values, at whatever point we choose in the pipe. An iterative algorithm has been developed and its convergence is reached in very few iterations. So, we are working with a quasi-direct method of calculation. In fact, in all the processed cases, the first iteration gives us the extreme pressures, with an error of less than 5% respect to the previously fixed values. Besides the computer program carries out an analysis with adimensional parameters, in order to determine the efficiency of a bigger protection device, and represents a graph of maximum upsurge and minimum downsurge of the water hammer in the check valve, in function of the protection device’s parameter at each side of the start values. The paper concludes testing the traditional graph methods (Parmakian, Kinno, Stephenson, etc.) for predesigning protective elements. This allows us to emphasize the positive contributions of the methodology herein presented.