
Hydraulic items

The operation of a water supply network is conditioned by the particularities of the different elements which form this, At the ITA laboratory there are all the resources required for hydraulically characterising valves, pipelines and diverse accessories, as well as for determining the metrological characteristics of flow meters and small and medium gauge meters.

Person responsible for this line: Francisco Arregui de la Cruz

Sorted by date Sorted by title
Papers published in specialized magazines
Graphical method to calculate the optimum replacement period for water meters
Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management (2011)
Understanding air valves release
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2011)
Discussion of: Recirculating Flow in Oscillatory U-Tubes
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2006)
Contadores de Agua para Riego. Medición y Recomendaciones Prácticas
Riegos y Drenajes XXI (2004)
Discussion of "Transient Flow in a Rapidly Filling Horizontal Pipe Containing Trapped Air"
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (2004)
Low-flow devices in Spain:how efficient are they in fact? An accurate way of calculation
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2004)
Management strategies for optimum meter selection and replacement
Water Science & Technology: Water Supply (2003)
Flow Modelling in pressurized systems revisited
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (1999)
Pipeline start-up with entrapped air
Journal of Hydraulic Research (1999)
Metodología para la evaluación del error de medición de un parque de contadores
Ingeniería del Agua (1998)
Llenado de tuberías con aire atrapado
Ingeniería del Agua (1997)
Air valves and liquid length variation in hydraulic transients
Influence of liquid length variation in hydraulic transients
Journal of Hydraulic Engineering (1992)
Diagnóstico de la gestión óptima de contadores en un sistema de distribución de agua
Revista Tecnología del Agua (1987)
Análisis del golpe de Ariete en impulsiones protegidas por válvulas de alivio
El problema de la regulación de aerogeneradores eólicos. Análisis del modelo matemático de los servomotores hidráulicos que lo efectuan
Revista Tecnología del Agua (1983)
Simulación de redes mediante miniordenador. Perspectivas futuras.

Papers published in congresses
Calculating the optimum level of apparent losses due to meter inaccuracies
Water loss 2010 (2010) 469KB

XII Congreso Internacional de Ingeniería de Proyectos (2008)
Quantification of meter errors of domestic users: a case study
Water Loss 2007 (2007) 398KB
Normativa de Válvulas
XXIV Congreso Nacional de Riegos (2006)
Reducing apparent losses caused by meters inaccuracies
Fifth IWA World Water Congress (2006) 267KB
Key Factors Affecting Water Meter Accuracy
Leakage 2005. Specialised Conference of the IWA (2005) 273KB
Column Separation Measurement in a large-scale Experimental Apparatus
9th International Conference on Pressure Surge Analysis for Design and Operation (2004)
Dynamic performance characterization of air valves
9th International Conference on Pressure Surge Analysis for Design and Operation (2004)
Velocity Profile Effect on Woltman Water Meters Performance
FLOMEKO 12th International Conference on Flow Measurement (2004) 4.45 MB
Air valves dynamic behaviour
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003) 368KB
Contadores de Agua para Riego. Medición Y Recomendaciones Prácticas
XXI Congreso Nacional de Riegos (2003) 503KB
Evaluating domestic water meter accuracy. A case Study
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003) 76KB
MRI Test program on Air valves
Workshop on Air Valves (2003)
Reviewing air valves boundary conditions and their influence on their selection
Pumps, Electromechanical Devices and Systems Applied to Urban Water Management (PEDS) (2003) 156KB
Sistemas de medición de Agua: Presente y Futuro
VII Jornadas sobre la Mejora de la Gestión del Agua en Catalunya (2003)
Using Multivariate Principal Component Analysis of Injected Water Flows to Detect Anomalous Behaviors in a Water Supply System. A Case Study.
Efficient 2003 (2003) 577KB
Algunas consideraciones sobre la elección del tipo de contador doméstico y el cálculo de su vida útil.
Jornadas Técnicas Balearas 2015: La Gestión del Agua (2001)