
Hydraulic items

The operation of a water supply network is conditioned by the particularities of the different elements which form this, At the ITA laboratory there are all the resources required for hydraulically characterising valves, pipelines and diverse accessories, as well as for determining the metrological characteristics of flow meters and small and medium gauge meters.

Person responsible for this line: Francisco Arregui de la Cruz

Sorted by date Sorted by title
Master theses
Risk assessment of alternative sewer systems for the Vasastaden-Lorensberg catchment (Martín J.M.)
Director(s): Vicent B. Espert Alemany (2004)

Estudio de la red general de abastecimiento de agua potable de la U.P.V. (Ortega, R.)
Director(s): Jorge García-Serra García (2001)

End of degree projects
Proceso de vaciado de tuberías de gran longitud. Cálculo de ventosas y válvulas de desagüe (Kerschberger P.)
Director(s): Vicent B. Espert Alemany (2007)

Modelo general de Análisis de Redes hidráulicas a presión en régimen transitorio (Iglesias, P.)
Director(s): Jorge García-Serra García (2001)

Instalación y puesta a punto de un banco de prácticas didácticas de oleohidráulica convencional y proporcional (Costa Savall B.)
Director(s): Vicent B. Espert Alemany (1997)

Diseño y construcción de un banco de ensayo para bombas centrífugas (Ortega R.)
Director(s): Vicent B. Espert Alemany (1993)